


『英語で楽しむ赤毛のアン』(松本侑子/対訳・解説、the japan times出版)をガイド役に、以下の原文を読みました。

CHAPTER IV. Morning at Green Gables

“It’s time you were dressed,” she said curtly.

Marilla really did not know how to talk to the child, and her uncomfortable ignorance made her crisp and curt when she did not mean to be.

Anne stood up and drew a long breath.

“Oh, isn’t it wonderful?” she said, waving her hand comprehensively at the good world outside.

“It’s a big tree,” said Marilla, “and it blooms great, but the fruit don’t amount to much never—small and wormy.”

“Oh, I don’t mean just the tree; of course it’s lovely—yes, it’s radiantly lovely—it blooms as if it meant it—but I meant everything, the garden and the orchard and the brook and the woods, the whole big dear world. Don’t you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this?

何を言い出すかと思ったら、”radiantly lovely”(まばゆいばかりにいとおしい)とか、”Don’t you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this?”(こんな朝は、世界をただひたすら愛しているかのように感じない?)というのが、いかにもアン節です。


初読では、アンのきらきらした感性が印象的です。それで見えにくいのですが、再読すると、マリラの困惑ぶり(uncomfortable ignorance)もはっきりしてきて、より味わい深いです。

Marilla really did not know how to talk to the child, and her uncomfortable ignorance made her crisp and curt when she did not mean to be.

